On lush, green properties near Armidale, Australia, three meandering creeks meet. At sunset, cattle gather by the banks to drink from them.
These three creeks help sustain the pristine pastures and the cattle that graze upon them. Rob Finlayson and his family have raised fine prime cattle on this land, and the land around it, for five generations. That’s invaluable knowledge passed down from generation to generation. This knowledge of the animal, the land and the weather is distilled into beef of rare quality – Three Creek Beef.
What the generations have taught this proud cattle family is that the extra effort they put into their property is worth it. Like mustering on horseback to keep it as stress-free as possible for their herd. That’s why, from paddock-to-plate, Three Creek Beef is raised and handled with care.
Chefs and other professionals can taste the passion on the plate. In a big, beef producing country, Three Creek Beef is proof there is room for a little care and knowledge.